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CBD Oil is becoming increasingly popular. It’s been in several studies over the years have proven it can be used in treating various disorders like anxiety, arthritis, epilepsy, nausea, insomnia, skin problems, and even has seen use in dealing with stress. It has also been used in different applications to alleviate a variety of skin problems (1)!

CBD oil has essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-9, which allows CBD oil to help not only prevent the drying skin but also to help moisturize the skin! Since it has these two essential fatty acids, it’s been used in a large variety of skincare products.

These regular use of CBD can potentially slow down the signs of aging and can be used in reducing the appearance of wrinkles by controlling the production of oil. CBD oil has also been used to improve the healing process of your skin and seen use in preventing skin infections.

There have also been studies into using CBD oil in skincare products to solve various skincare problems, which range from eczema to acne. This article will delve into how CBD can be used in the treatment of both acne and Psoriasis.

How CBD can be used to treat acne

Acne treatments are widely available today and have limited success because they can potentially cause more acne as well. Regular acne treatments are designed to keep the skin clean and to kill the bacteria that can lead to acne, but at the same time, these treatments can lead to an increased production of oil that can clog the skin’s pore.

A study which was conducted back in 2014 revealed that CBD could prevent the increased production of sebum from the sebaceous glands. If there is extra sebum in your system, then it can mix into dead skin cells, dirt, and various other pollutants. These various pollutants can be trapped inside a pore, which leads to acne. CBD also has antibacterial and anti-fungal effects, which are very beneficial in stopping skin infections that can cause acne due to the dirt and other pollutants.

While new CBD oil products are mostly marketed and stated to be used for facial acne, they will also be useful for removing body acne as well! CBD’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties will prevent the formation of acne on your skin.

How CBD can be used to treat Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease that is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of skin cells that will lead to an accumulation of dead immature skin cells on the surface of your skin. Psoriasis can lead to the appearance of scales on the skin surface.

There have been a variety of different studies that have shown how CBD could potentially be an effective treatment for Psoriasis. This is due to CBD interacting with the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors (2) that are present in the endocannabinoid system. The interaction is primarily used to regulate the immune system and control the changes in the epidermal cells.

One study that was conducted back in 2007 showed how the regular use of CBD led to a decreased rate of growth of new skin cells, showing how CBD could potentially be used to regulate and control Psoriasis.

How CBD could be used in treatments

CBD products like CBD creams, CBD balms, and CBD lotions could be applied to the skin to be used in the treatment of Acne and Psoriasis. The only limitation is that Psoriasis needs to have both the internal and external treatments, so using a topical CBD product alongside the other CBD products like CBD capsules or CBD tinctures.

While acne will only require users to use a topical CBD product to get the benefits!




FDA Disclaimer – These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or prior to using any CBD products.