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4 Ways CBD Will Help You Get Rid Of Work Stress

Stress and work often go hand-in-hand. Whether it’s an office, a retail job, or the service industry that’s stressing you out, CBD could be just the thing to cure it. CBD is a natural compound derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike what is commonly known...

CBD Dosages For Anxiety, Sleep, And Pain

The long list of benefits of CBD is backed by evidence from numerous preclinical and clinical studies. Among the benefits of CBD are its ability to help with anxiety, sleep issues, and pain. CBD is mostly legal in the US now(1), but it remains unregulated by the FDA....

Five Ways CBD Is Great For Your Health

CBD oil is derived from the cannabis plant. In recent years, it has gained massive popularity for its potential health benefits. Studies are mounting with evidence for how CBD is good for your health. Between that and anecdotal evidence from worldwide users, it has...